
time to party!

My personal goal was to have every Mont. session edited/shipped by Sept 1st.
I feel like I have done nothing more than eat, sleep, and breathe editing for the last 4 weeks.
And (in usual kristin fashion) I barely, just under the wire, made tomorrow's deadline ...
And so if you haven't received your digital negatives yet, the final packages have now shipped F/C & will be to you within the week!  Woot Woot

Now excuse me... I have some celebrating  (and sleeping) to do :)
thanks again!

  1. K./Senior Session
  2. Kary Session
  3. Kinsey Session
  4. Mettler Session
  5. C./Senior Session
  6. Williams Session
  7. Thompson Session
  8. McCormick Session
  9. Czehura Session
  10. Moore Session
  11. Murnion Session
  12. Selle Session
  13. Albertson Session
  14. Griffith Session
  15. Merwin Session
  16. Varner Session
  17. Rost Session
  18. M./senior Session
  19. WiseTies Clothing/Commercial Session
  20. Ferguson Session(mini)
  21. Klotzsky Session (mini)
  22. Quenzer Session(mini)
  23. Groshans Session (mini)

...and thank you to my friends Nicci and Lisa who gave up some of their mornings to help with my 'lil guys so I could get solid chunks of editing time in! I'm so thankful for your help :)

Wise Sewcial Ties/Commercial photography | Eastern Montana

I've been doing a handful of commercial work for some incredible clothing designers.
I haven't had the time yet to post my past work but this session/label holds a dear place in my heart.
I had the privilege of working with an awesome company this summer.
Maria, the woman behind
"Wies Sewcial Ties," clothing line is an artistic genius!
She designs vintage clothing (with a modern twist), many from reclaimed fabric or clothing.
Here you see the girls wearing amazing, vintage inspired clothing
made from my grandfather's dress shirts.
yes they are total goofballs, all the time.
After my grandpa passed, I asked my grandma to save his dress shirts for me (not knowing exactly what I'd be doing with them).  
Well, Wise Sewcial Ties to the rescue!
Maria made masterpieces out of my grandfather's shirts.  She used the mother of pearl buttons from his shirts and added ruffles, buttons, and pintucks in ALL the right places!

We were all thrilled when the clothing arrived!
I cannot say enough great things about Maria and the eye she has for design and details.
 And to have my grandfather's clothing to be enjoyed now by four of his precious great grandchildren is PRICELESS!  We will always treasure our portraits/clothing.
Contact Maria today to set up a custom order or check out her designs that are already available  to purchase.  She has a .com, a facebook, and a blogspot- what a talent, you'll be blown away!

"You don't take a photograph, you make it"

Ansel Adams

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Mini Sessions | Eastern Montana Portraiture

Mini sessions seem to be all the rage in photography these days.
Especially seasonal mini shoots
and staged prop sessions.

I haven't offered mini sessions before but I've had many inquiries so I'm now starting to consider it.
  It's great for families who are looking for some professional quality photos-with minimal time and investment (for both the photog & client).

These are just a handful of pictures that were taken in the span of 10 minute mini sessions...

...and as you can see, we're still able to capture those relationships and family moments.
...no matter how large your familia may be :) !
My gorgeous supermom sis and niece...

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M. Senior Portraiture | Eastern Montana

I become acutely aware of how quickly time passes when I find myself doing senior portraits for
the baby that once toddled around in my newest prom shoes.
The baby who proudly wore my boyfriend's spartan jersey (as a dress)and squealed with delight
when I fixed her hair in pigtails and snapped polaroids of her.  

My sweet-beautiful- super smart- amazing niece
is now a senior in high school.
I just cannot believe that.

What I can believe is that you're ready to spread your wings, Miss M...

 That God has big plans for you...
and your heart is open to listen.

I couldn't be more proud of you.

"your future is so bright it burns my eyes"
Quincy Jones

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Montana Photo Session/UPDATE

Thank you so much for your patience as I go through/edit/ship each session.  I want you to know that I'm doing the best I can at the quickest rate that I'm able-while still giving you the quality and workmanship that each session deserves.  

I have been getting several emails/questions about my equipment, where I find my inspiration, props, locations...and more.  Once I finish these sessions, I will answer all your questions as well as map out future plans for my photography.  So if YoU have a question of your own, go ahead and do so in the comments or via email (the envelope button on top right of the blog)....

Without further ado, here's the MONTANA PHOTO SESSION information.  If the session has a line through it, IT HAS SHIPPED (VIA PRIORITY MAIL) FROM ARIZONA.  I'd love it if you would let me know that you received your digital negatives!

  1. K./Senior Session
  2. Kary Session
  3. Kinsey Session
  4. Mettler Session
  5. C./Senior Session
  6. Williams Session
  7. Thompson Session
  8. McCormick Session
  9. Czehura Session
  10. Moore Session
  11. Murnion Session
  12. Selle Session
  13. Albertson Session
  14. Griffith Session
  15. Merwin Session
  16. Varner Session
  17. Rost Session
  18. M./senior Session
  19. WiseTies Clothing/Commercial Session
  20. Ferguson Session(mini)
  21. Klotzsky Session (mini)
  22. Quenzer Session(mini)
  23. Groshans Session (mini)

NOTE:  I will continue to update this post as I progress with each session, please check here for status updates.

"Enhanced Editing"
There's a reason that each of my sessions takes  2-3 hours+ to be professionally retouched and edited.  
Most photographers will charge for anything beyond a basic edit (sharpening & toning).  
However, my clients receive "enhanced editing" that is included in my photography package ($300.00).  Images are hand colored- I add warmth, dimension, texture, and the vintage feel that my images are known and loved for.  It turns a regular photograph  into "a work of art".  I won't give my clients any image that I wouldn't be proud to display in my own home.

Enhanced editing

SOOC  (straight out of camera)
Each of the digital negatives CD also contain  more portraits than the guaranteed 20-25.  I don't know if it's the mother in me...but I cannot dispose of a photograph if it's a quality image, especially if it captures a relationship.  Therefore, my clients receive above and beyond what is promised in their package.  I believe that is what keeps them coming back to me and trusting me with their family's portraiture (which I do not take lightly).  

Enhanced Editing

I apologize this post is long.
 I just want clients (and those who have inquiries about custom photography) to understand why it takes the time that it does to edit true portraiture/sessions.

I have those who ask why custom photography is so much more costly than chain store studios:

my answer?
(...besides all factors discussed above)
Because it's worth it!

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The M. family | Eastern Montana Portraiture

1 quick backyard session+ 3 beautiful girls = lots of priceless portraits!
 At a busy 8 months young, baby A. had better things to do than taking portraits with her mom & sis ( :  
but she still

managed to flash some of her big smiles
 for us.  
Then, off in a flash.

Oh sweet baby.
love her adorable {{{squish}}}
"Through a mother's eyes is the
  most beautiful way to see a child"