
our cover winner turns ONE!

Back when I was submitting photos for newspaper covers,
this 'lil guy was one of my first photos to win!

It's hard to believe one year was approaching 
when mom called to schedule his one year photos.
Isn't he precious?
 He arrived fresh from the bath and with his favorite thing, a stuff lion,
whom he rarely will leave behind.
 We captured lots of hands/feet photos as well,
all included on mommy's disc.  
 It's those details that we'll someday look back on and cherish.
One year later,
it's hard to believe how much you've grown!
Happy birthday 'lil mister!
A one-year-old child is so many things --
A tiny discoverer of butterfly wings,
A hugger of Teddies,
A sweet sleepyhead,
And someone to dream for in bright years ahead...
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The C. family | Sundance, UT

Due to time restraints, I'm unable to photograph fall/holiday sessions this year.


I lOvE my family shoots :/
However, our family's fall break led us back to
  the gorgeous Sundance, Utah

We were so happy to meet up with our friends, the C. family.
Momma Niki is an amazing photographer serving the central Utah area.
And...because we KnOw that photog's children are notorious for dodging their mother's camera,
we happily exchanged kiddos and headed (in opposite directions).  Our backyard of untouched trails, blankets of rich autumn leaves, and 65 degrees lent us the perfect backdrop for photography.
We skipped, jumped, laughed and played.  
oh why
do children always cooperate best without their momma's watchful eye?
I'm not sure...
but I am sure of one thing:

These are some beautiful, happy children
and it was a *delight* to spend the day with them.
Niki and I crammed in all we could of photog/girl talk,
while our six kiddos soaked up every second of playtime together.  And I do mean every last second :)

If you happen to need a crazy talented Utah photographer,
check her out HERE!
“What lies behind us and what lies before us

 are tiny matters compared to what lies 

within us.” 

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