
Kristin Merwin PHotograpHy MaKeoVer!!!

Everyone loves a makeOver, RiGhT???

Well, oNe Is oN iT's WaY!
As many of you know, I've been offering my photography services at incredible prices as I build my portfolio.  However, as I pour over thousands of photos and a packed-full calendar of appointments, I realize the time has come to restructure my prices AND direction of photography.
What exactly does this mean?
YOu'll hAve tO wAiT aNd SeE...!...

Now- if you have already booked with me-given your deposit-and "sealed the deal"...I am -of course- honoring our initial session price.
(ALL montana sessions will be the initial price stated).  
I have over 20 hours of several classes/hands-on study coming in November.  I will be learning more about lighting, photography as art, and tons more about editing and processing images as well as an on-location shoot with a renowned photographer/instructor.
 Investing in new equipment is on the agenda to offer TOP quality photography.
I'm thrilled to soon be offering custom portrait products coming in 2011- including DVD slideshows, custom photography gifts, cards, and more.

I am already booked solid (with a waiting list)
until 2011
and due to my restructuring
I will not be accepting additional appointments
 -->January thru March of 2011<--

  If you have already booked with me for either of these months OR if you have won any of the 3 charity sessions that I donated this winter, of course I will honor our appointment.  
However, I need to take this time to rEgroup and rEstructure.
((and breath for a moment!!)

My photography schedule has been above and beyond my wildest expectations...and for that I am SO grateful to you.  Thank you for being patient as I iron out the details of the next chapter for Kristin Merwin Photography!


  1. Good for you, girl! Spread your wings!

  2. yippee!
    so proud of you!!!
    you are crazy talented and i am so excited for you as you take this next step with your business.
    praying for you sweet friend.

    man, i wish we were neighbors! then we could take classes together :)

  3. You are SO worth the wait!!! I better get on the books NOW for 2012!!

  4. Kristin~ as always you amaze me!! You are so talented ~ whatever you decide to do you always succeed and BLOW it out of the water! You Rock!

  5. What is the scoop sister! You are AWESOME and I am loving all of these newly posted sessions. You are so talented!
    I hope we can play again soon!
