"To move freely you must be deeply rooted."
I have these sessions come along that touch my heart so deeply.
Great grandma.
Grandmas. Daughters. Great granddaughters.
Strong women of faith.
Separated geographically but not in heart.
"We shape our lives not by what we carry with us, but what we leave behind"
It warms my heart to see people keep their family at such high priority.
The personalities, laughter.
Two sisters, each seeing their daughters raise a daughter.
"playing just like when our girls were babies"
I heard one grandma sigh...

And great grandma
is able to relish these moments
these giggles, tea parties, and delicate perfections
within three generations.
I heard one grandma sigh...

And great grandma
is able to relish these moments
these giggles, tea parties, and delicate perfections
within three generations.

delights me to to capture it behind my lens.
Such fun personalities and relationships these women share.

Kristin, these pics are STUNNING! You are so, so talented! Each imagine is a little work of art.